DSC 0102 683x1024 - NEW HERE?Welcome to diewithmemories! Nice that you’re here. Are you wondering what you can expect here on my site? The answer is very simple: life.

After falling into a very deep hole in 2017 and having the worst year in my life so far, I struggled back to life with some help and support. Even if everything is not yet perfect again, I have found new courage and I have new dreams in my heart, new ideas in my head and new goals. This page contains a little of everything and may soon become a new passion. Because I feel like writing, feeling like communicating and wanting to encourage other people – no matter what.

There will be a lot to read about my journey through life. I will write about what warms my heart and makes the world comfortable for me.
There will be beautiful moments, brave moments and positive experiences that I will share with you.
But there will also be serious and thoughtful issues every now and then, because unfortunately life doesn’t always consist of cotton candy clouds and sunshine.

More important are the many beautiful moments that you should always create for yourself. And it’s not just the big moments that count – the little ones are extremely precious too. You should do something great every day, something you don’t forget, that will bring a smile to your face after a while. And you should collect as many of these moments as possible. Because if you think back one day, life should have been a wonderful journey. Therefore, be brave and make your dreams and goals come true, because at some point it will be too late. Live your life according to the motto:

Die with memories – not dreams!

All the best, yours

Sabrina e1545343223378 - NEW HERE?